That Whole Thing About Resolutions

That Whole Thing About Resolutions

 This year Design Diva has been thinking deeply about what to have as a New Year’s resolution. It is something many take lightly, with the off hand remark that they won’t follow through anyway. And others feel that it must be something profound. The Diva’s position is to make her resolution into a kind of goal with small steps along the way.

Since I was over at the City Tile showroom looking at all of the new flooring styles coming in for 2017, I asked the staff about their resolutions hoping to get inspired. Many graciously shared their plans.

Susan G. wants to be more positive.
What a marvelous idea! I decided to see what the Internet had to say about this and the best quote came up from QuoteAddicts, “Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.” I think we can all add this to our resolution list.

Robyn, Mary, and Javier plan to focus on exercise and diet.
Alliance for a Healthier Generation suggests that one step in the right direction is to eat real food instead of convenience and junk food. A way to start is to replace one or two junk food meals during the week with a nice salad.

Ashton, Sydney, and Javier want to travel. Ashton wants to go back to Israel. Sydney wants to go on a road trip. And Javier wants to take a vacation in Mexico.
Me, too! I love to travel and I haven’t gone anywhere exciting in some time. Travel need not be to another country, maybe it’s just to see family. I think I’ll combine the two and join my sister-in-law, Karen, on her trip to Antarctica.

Gabrielle wants to become a better version of herself.

Reuel wants to be more optimistic every day.

Henden wants to be more intentional in relationships.
The year will start off well is we all strive to be more positive and caring. My Mama always taught me that graciousness is all about making others feel good, but it makes you feel good, too.

Javier has also made a goal for his work team to keep improving the quality of what they do.
With three big goals for the year, this over-achiever is sure to succeed in his resolutions!

Andrew also has three goals for 2017: take a vacation, eat healthier, and spend more time with his family doing outdoor activities.
I say get a sled now so you are prepared for some sledding when it snows.

Kevin wants to do all of the above.

And Christa, she just wants to make it through another year.

I am so inspired by these goals that my head is swimming. I am still not sure what mine will be. I can think of so many. Maybe, for now, I’ll go with Christa and just attempt to make it through another year happy, healthy, and shared with friends and family.

What are your resolutions, my darling fellow design divas?

Whatever they are, have a Happy New Year! And best wishes for 2017 to you and your families from City Tile and the Diva.