Best Flooring for High-Traffic Areas

Best flooring for high-traffic areas

High-traffic areas are the heart of our homes. From busy kitchens and entryways to family rooms filled with laughter and memories. 

That’s why when it comes to selecting flooring for these spaces, durability is a must. But even with durability comes luxury and style — two factors you’ll never need to sacrifice in a high-traffic area. 

Let’s take a look at the best highly durable flooring options that are never lacking in style. 

Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring is a classic and timeless choice for high-traffic areas. 

It can withstand years of life without losing any charm. Plus, it offers elegance and warmth that pairs perfectly with any decor style.

Source: Pinterest 

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is the go-to, budget-friendly alternative to hardwood. It mimics the look of wood but is made of composite materials that are highly resistant to scratches and stains. 

Not to mention, it’s super easy to clean and maintain! 

Source: Pinterest 

Tile Flooring

Ceramic or porcelain tiles are some of the most durable options for high-traffic areas. They are resistant to moisture, stains, and scratches, and also come in a wide range of designs and patterns. 

Source: Pinterest 

Carpet Tiles

Unlike wall-to-wall carpeting, carpet tiles are easy to replace if one becomes stained or damaged. They offer the best of both worlds by combining durability and flexibility.

Source: Pinterest 

Cork Flooring

Cork is a sustainable and flooring options that's naturally resistant to mold, mildew, and pests. Plus, the unique texture and appearance can add character to any space. 

Source: Pinterest 

As always, our Dream Team of design consultants are here to attend to all your needs — from flooring selection to flooring maintenance, your local Murfreesboro flooring pros have you covered.