- Have a howling good time all year with a Shaggy Luxe carpet from Staunton’s Avante Garde Collection. For those who love classic horror, have it made into an area rug for your bedroom. It is like stepping onto a supernaturally soft werewolf pelt every morning. Perfect for the coming cold winter nights over a hardwood floor.
- Turn the dimmer on your recessed lights down low, causing the corners of your rooms to shadow. Add candles on elaborate iron stands to pierce through the darkness with a warm, flickering glow.
- If you want a regular carpet, instead of a Werewolf/Wookie mat (see #1), choose one from the Wedlok collection of wool carpets from Karastan in Autumn Harvest or Orange Crush. It’s like walking on Jack-O-Lanterns every day.
- Just in time for the release of the new Halloween movie, hang a collection of vintage posters from the original classic, like the one with Michael Myers at the top of the stairs, to the newest addition. Remember to keep the closet door open at night.
- Prestige engineered hardwood flooring is not going to keep the vampires at bay, but an Alpine Oak floor in granite is the perfect grounding for your darkly inspired living room. Add black and heather gray furnishings with touches of chrome, and dark wood built-in bookcases.
- Shaw makes a porcelain tile flooring called Veil that any Mummy would be happy to be wrapped in, as it looks like fine linen, as does the Tapestry Collection from LIA. You would swear that Boris Karloff’s classic monster will emerge from your bathroom wall, as he searches for his lost love. All you need to set off your linen tile is a copy of the original 1932 movie poster, coming up on October 31 at Soth by’s online auction. Estimated value: $1,000,000.
- Add a dash of hocus pocus to your home by bringing in a statement burgundy velvet tuxedo couch, a black cat sculpture, and an assortment of vintage bells, hardback books, and scented candles displayed on black painted shelving.
- Your home can turn into a real creep show with the addition of light-blocking green velvet curtains, classic Victorian furniture, and a collection of crystal skull sculptures.
- For those who dread cleaning an all-white kitchen, turn it into the perfect place to have a bite with Dracula and share last night’s meatloaf with Frankenfurter. Black cabinets and blood-red Lipstick glass subway tiles from Interceramic will make you shiver with anticipation of every meal.
- Marble is hot now for flooring and wall tiles, but it has been used to build the finest palaces since Ancient Greece, and the creepiest mausoleums. This is one of the best materials to use when creating your own private year-round haunted house. If you don’t want to use real Carrara marble, Marisol offers a porcelain tile that looks like a finely polished version of the real thing.
- This year designers are using deep jewel-toned paint colors on walls, as well as black and dark gray. What better way to give your home the look of a deep dark dungeon in the cellars of Hogwarts. Or maybe Hell House.
- Not everything that goes bump in the night is dark, there are always those mysterious creatures that blend with the snow in the Himalayas, or in caves on the planet Hoth. All-white rooms with accents of deep purple and teal can freeze you in your tracks in your very own ice palace called home. Beware the White Walkers visiting from the north!
- Of course, when all else fails, you can always buy a haunted house. They can often be found around old battlefields and looking over a cliff with dark menacing tides below.

Happy Halloween from all of us at City Tile in Murfreesboro. May your bucket be filled with treats, decorative and the sweet kind.